Pharmacognacy Notes
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Synonyms of Important Drugs
Name of Drug | Synonyms |
Nux vomica | Crow fig, Semen strychni |
Physostigma | Calabar beans, Ordeal beans |
Rauwolfia | Indian Snake Root, Serpagandha |
Vinca | Catharanthus, Periwinkle, Lady’s Thistle |
Curare | South American Arrow Poison |
Belladonna | Deadly Night Shade Leaf |
Datura herb | Angel’s Trumpet |
Hyoscyamus | Henbane, Night shade leaf |
Stramonium | Thorn Apple Leaves |
Duboisia | Cork-wood, cork-tree |
Cinchona | Jesuit’s bark, Peruvian bark |
Areca | Betal nut |
Lobelia | Indian Tobacco, Asthma Weed |
Jaborandi | Pilocarpus |
Ephedra | Ma-Huang |
Colchicum | Meadow saffron seeds, Autumn Crocus |
Kola | Bissy or Gooroo seeds |
Tea | Thea |
Veratrum viride | American or green hellebore |
Veratrum album | European or white hellebore |
Kurchi | Holarrhena |
Ashwagandha | Withania root, Winter cherry, Indian Ginseng |
Aconite | Bachnag, Monkshood |
Vasaka | Adhatoda, Adulsa, Malabar nut |
Rhubarb | Radix rhei, Rheum |
Cascara | Sacred bark, Chittem bark, Bearberry bark, Bearwood |
Hypericum | St. John’s wort, Millepertuis, Goat weed |
Aloes | Musabbar, Kumari |
Cochineal | Coccus, Red scale insect |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove leaves |
Digitalis lanata | Wooly foxglove leaves, Grecian foxglove, Austrial digitalis |
Thevetia | Yellow oleander, Trumpet flower, Lucky-nut tree |
Indian squill | Sea onion |
European squill | White squill, Meerzweibel |
Strophanthus | Arrow poison |
G-strophanthin | Ouabain |
Dioscorea | Yam, Rheumatism root |
Liquorice | Yasti |
Ginseng | Ninjin, Panax, Energofit |
Senega | Rattlesnake root |
Gokhru | Puncture vine, Tribulus |
Wild cherry bark | Virginian prune bark |
Visnaga | Khella, Pick-tooth fruit |
Psoralea | Bavachi |
Chirata | East Indian Balmony |
Quassia | Bitter wood |
Kalmegh | Andrographis |
Gaultheria | Betula oil, Oil of wintergreen |
Chenopodium | American wormseed oil |
Eucalyptus | Lemon gum tree |
Lemon Grass oil | Indian Melissa oil |
Peppermint oil | Mentha, Colpermin |
Caraway | Carum |
Dill | Anethum |
Fennel | Fruit of Foeniculum |
Nutmeg | Myristica, Nux Moschata |
Garlic | Allium |
Tulsi | Sacred basil, Holy basil |
Musk | Moschus, Kasturi |
Clove | Caryophyllum |
Acorus | Sweet flag, Bach |
Crocus | Saffron |
Capsicum | Chillies, Cayenne pepper, Axsain, Mioton, Zostrix |
Turmeric | Indian Saffron |
Asafoetida | Devil’s dung, Food of the Gods, Asant |
Cannabis | Indian hemp |
Ipomoea | Orizaba jalap roots, Mexican scammony |
Podophyllum | Himalayan May Apple, Mandrakes root, Vegetable calomel |
Benzoin | Loban, Bitter-almond-oil camphor |
Myrrh | Bol |
Guggul | Scented Bdellium, Commiphora |
Colophony | Rosin, Amber-resin, Pine-resin |
Tolu Balsam | Thomas balsam, Opobalsam carang |
Peruvian Balsam | Indian balsam, Black balsam, China oil, Honduras balsam, Surinam balsam |
Isapgol | Indian Psyllium, Plantain seed, Flea seed |
Indian Gum | Gum acacia |
Guar Gum | Decorpa, Cyamopsis gum, Burtonite V-7-E |
Tragacanth | Tragacantha |
Gum Karaya | Indian tragacanth, Sterculia gum, Kadaya, Katilo Kullo, Kuteera, Mucara |
Agar | Japanese Isinglass, Vegetable gelatin, Layor carang |
Starch | Amylum |
Honey | Mel |
Amla | Indian Goose Berry |
Pale catechu | Gambier |
Castor oil | Ricinus oil |
Chaulmoogra oil | Hydnocarpus oil, Gynocardia oil |
Linseed oil | Flax seed oil |
Kokum butter | Mangosteen oil |
Cocoa Butter | Theobroma Oil |
Shark liver oil | Oleum Selachoid |
Cod Liver oil | Oleum Morris |
Hydrous Wool fat | Lanolin, Adeps Lanae |
Yellow bees wax | Cera-flava |
Lard | Adeps |
Diastase | Amylase |
Lysozyme | Muramidase |
Pyrethrum | Insect flowers |
Neem | Margosa |
Chalk | Whiting |
Fueller’s earth | Floridin |
Kaolin | China-clay, Porcelain clay |
Kieselghur | Diatomaceous earth |
Talc | French chalk |
Oxidized cellulose | Pyroxylin |