Perl Tutorial - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl)
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Table of Contents
- Perl Introduction
- Perl Program Startup
- Perl Regular Expressions
- Perl Array Program
- Perl Basic Program
- Perl Subroutine / Function Program
- Perl XML Program
- Perl String Program
- Perl Statement Program
- Perl Network Program
- Perl Hash Program
- Perl File Handling Program
- Perl Data Type Program
- Perl Database Program
- Perl Class Program
- Perl CGI Program
- Perl GUI Program
- Perl Report Program
Perl Subroutine / Function Program
Accessing variables in subroutines
# In your subroutines, you can access the value of any global variable.
# A global variable is a variable that is accessible across the entire Perl script.
# A subroutine can use data set up by other parts of your Perl scripts:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Accessing global variables in subroutines.
$a = 1;
$b = 4;
$value = add();
print "$a plus $b is $value.\n";
sub add {
return ($a + $b);
A closure is an anonymous subroutine
my $name="Tommy";
{my $name = "Tom";
my $age = 6;
$ref = sub{ return "$name is $age.\n"; }
print "$name is back\n";
print &{$ref};
Adding two arrays in a subroutine
@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
@array = addem (\@a, \@b);
print @array;
sub addem
my ($ref1, $ref2) = @_;
while (@{$ref1}) {
unshift @result, pop(@{$ref1}) + pop(@{$ref2});
return @result;
Ading two arrays together
@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
sub addem {
local(*array1, *array2) = @_;
while (@array1) {
unshift @result, pop(@array1) + pop(@array2);
return @result
@result = addem(*a, *b);
print join(", ", @result);
A nested subroutine.
($wordcount, $charcount) = &getcounts(3);
print ("Totals for three lines: ");
print ("$wordcount words, $charcount characters\n");
sub getcounts {
my ($numlines) = @_;
my ($charpattern, $wordpattern);
my ($charcount, $wordcount);
my ($line, $linecount);
my (@retval);
$charpattern = "";
$wordpattern = "\\s+";
$linecount = $charcount = $wordcount = 0;
while (1) {
$line = <STDIN>;
last if ($line eq "");
$charcount += &count($line, $charpattern);
$line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$wordcount += &count($line, $wordpattern);
last if ($linecount == $numlines);
@retval = ($wordcount, $charcount);
sub count {
my ($line, $pattern) = @_;
my ($count);
if ($pattern eq "") {
@items = split (//, $line);
} else {
@items = split (/$pattern/, $line);
$count = @items;
Anonymous functions
use warnings;
use strict;
my $productRef = sub
my $product = 1;
foreach ( @_ ) {
$product *= $_;
return $product;
my $printVal = &$productRef( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
print( join( ' * ', 1, 2, 3, 4 ), " = " );
print( "$printVal\n" );
Anonymous Subroutines
my $subref = sub { print @_ ; };
print "\n";
A recursive subroutine to perform arithmetic.
$inputline = <STDIN>;
$inputline =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
@list = split (/\s+/, $inputline);
$result = &rightcalc (0);
print ("The result is $result.\n");
sub rightcalc {
my ($index) = @_;
my ($result, $operand1, $operand2);
if ($index+3 == @list) {
$operand2 = $list[$index+2];
} else {
$operand2 = &rightcalc ($index+2);
$operand1 = $list[$index+1];
if ($list[$index] eq "+") {
$result = $operand1 + $operand2;
} elsif ($list[$index] eq "*") {
$result = $operand1 * $operand2;
} elsif ($list[$index] eq "-") {
$result = $operand1 - $operand2;
} else {
$result = $operand1 / $operand2;
A subroutine is defined by the sub keyword and the block of code that follows.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Declare the subroutine named usage
sub usage
my ($program, $exitCode) = @_;
print "Usage: $program [-v] [-h]\n";
exit $exitCode;
usage ($0, 1);
A subroutine that returns a scalar or a list.
@array = scalarOrList();
$" = "\n";
print "Returned:\n@array\n";
print "\nReturned: " . scalarOrList(); # scalar context
sub scalarOrList
if ( wantarray() ) {# if list context
return 'this', 'is', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'strings';
else {# if scalar context
return 'hello';
A subroutine that returns a value
for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print square( $_ ), " ";
print "\n";
sub square
$value = shift; # use shift to get first argument
return $value ** 2;# returns the result of $value ** 2
BEGIN and END Subroutines (Startup and Finish)
#A BEGIN subroutine is executed immediately, before the rest of the file is even parsed.
#If you have multiple BEGINs, they will be executed in the order they were defined.
#The END subroutine is executed when all is done.
#Multiple END blocks are executed in reverse order.
#The keyword sub is not necessary when using these special subroutines.
chdir("/mydir") || die "Can't cd: $!\n";
BEGIN{ print "Welcome to my Program.\n"};
END{ print "Bailing out somewhere near line ",__ LINE__," So long.\n"};
calculate 1000th element of standard Fibonacci sequence
use warnings;
use strict;
sub fibonacci3 {
my ($count, $aref) = @_;
unless ($aref) {
# first call - initialize
$aref = [1,1];
$count -= scalar(@{$aref});
if ($count--) {
my $next = $aref->[-1] + $aref->[-2];
push @{$aref}, $next;
@_ = ($count, $aref);
goto &fibonacci3;
} else {
return wantarray?@{$aref}:$aref->[-1];
print scalar(fibonacci3(1000)), "\n";
Call a subroutine and use it
sub printhello
print "Hello!";
Call a subroutine through its reference
sub subroutine
print "Hello!\n";
$codereference= \&subroutine;
Call a subroutine without defining it
my(@arguments) = @_;
my($package, $command)=split("::",$AUTOLOAD, 2);
return '$command @arguments';# Command substitution
$day=date("+%D"); # date is an undefined subroutine
print "Today is $day.\n";
print cal(3,2007); # cal is an undefined subroutine
Calling a sub routine with &
sub my_subroutine {
print "In a subroutine.\n";
print "Before subroutine.\n";
print "After subroutine.\n";
Calling a sub routine with 'subroutine_name();'
sub my_subroutine {
print "In a subroutine.\n";
print "Before subroutine.\n";
print "After subroutine.\n";
Calling function in print statement
print "${&getmessage}";
sub getmessage {
$msg = "Hello!";
return "msg"
Calling subroutines that are not defined before use
print "Using & and ():\n";
# subroutine with no arguments defined after it is used
sub definedAfterWithoutArguments
print "definedAfterWithoutArguments\n";
Call sub
use warnings;
use strict;
sub do_list {
my ($subref, @in) = @_;
return map { &$subref ($_) } @in;
sub add_one {
return $_[0] + 1;
$, = ",";
print do_list (\&add_one, 1, 2, 3);# prints 2, 3, 4
Call subroutine with parameter by using its reference
$codereference = sub {print shift};
Call the subroutine with $number
$number=<>; # read a number from the keyboard
chomp $number; # remove linefeed
# The subroutine
sub factorial {
$input = shift; # read passed argument
return 0 if $input==0;
foreach (1 .. $input) { # '..' generates a range
$result *= $_;
return $result;
print "$number factorial is $factorial\n";
Check the prototype
use strict;
use warnings;
sub add_two ($$) {
return $_[0]+$_[1];
print prototype(\&add_two),"\n"; # produces '$$'
print prototype('add_two'),"\n"; # likewise
Closure in action
sub paint {
my $color = shift;
my $ref = sub {
my $object=shift;
print "Paint the $object $color.\n"; # $color still in scope
return $ref;
my $p1=paint("red");
my $p2=paint("blue");
Context and Subroutines
@now = localtime; # List context
print "@now\n";# Scalar context
$now = localtime;
print "$now\n";
print localtime, "\n"; # prints in list context
print scalar localtime,"\n"; # Forced to scalar context
Create a subroutine
print "Content-Type: text/html \n\n";
print "Program starts.\n";
print "Program ends.\n";
# subroutines below this line
sub bigHeader {
print "<h1>Welcome to Auto!</h1>\n";
Declaration with prototype
sub mynumbs(@$;$); # Declaration with prototype
mynumbs(@list, 25);
sub mynumbs(@$;$) {# Match the prototypes
my ($scalar)=pop(@_);
my(@arr) = @_;
print "The array is: @arr","\n";
print "The scalar is $scalar\n";
Define local variable in subroutine by using my
sub printifOK
my $localvalue = $value;
if ($localvalue > 10 ) {
print "Value is $value.\n";
} else {
print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;
Define subroutine and call it with using global variable
sub printifOK
if ($value > 10 ) {
print "Value is $value.\n";
} else {
print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;
Define subroutine prototype
sub addem;
$value = addem 2, 2;
print "2 + 2 = $value\n";
sub addem
($value1, $value2) = @_;
$value1 + $value2;
Define subroutine then use it
sub addem
($value1, $value2) = @_;
$value1 + $value2;
$value = addem 2, 2;
print "2 + 2 = $value\n";
Difference between my and local
$friend="friend"; # Global variables
print "$friend and $pal are global.\n";
sub guests {
my $friend="Pat"; # Lexically scoped variable
local $pal="Chris"; # Dynamically scoped variable
print "$friend and $pal are welcome guests.\n";
sub who_is_it {
print "global, $friend, here.\n";
print "pal is now $pal.\n"; # Dynamically scoped
print "Global friends are back: $friend and $pal.\n";
displays all the arguments
displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following statement displays all the arguments
print "All arguments: @_\n";
Duplicate global and local variable name (use strict;)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
my $record;
$record = 7;
print "Inside the block:", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";
factorial with recursive function
use warnings;
use strict;
sub fibonaccil {
my ($count, $aref) = @_;
unless ($aref) {
# first call - initialize
$aref = [1,1];
$count -= scalar(@{$aref});
if ($count--) {
my $next = $aref->[-1] + $aref->[-2];
push @{$aref}, $next;
return fibonaccil($count, $aref);
} else {
return wantarray?@{$aref}: $aref->[-1];
print scalar(fibonaccil(10)), "\n";
print scalar(fibonaccil(10, [2, 4])), "\n";
my @sequence = fibonaccil(10);
print "Sequence: @sequence \n";
sub fibonacci2 {
my ($count, $internal) = @_;
if ($count <= 2) {
return $internal ? [1,1] : 1;
} else {
my $result = fibonacci2($count -1, 'internal');
my $next = $result->[-1] + $result->[-2];
if ($internal) {
push @{$result}, $next;
return $result;
} else {
return $next;
foreach (1..20) {
print "Element $_ is ", fibonacci2($_), "\n";
Is a parameter defined
sub addem
($value1, $value2) = @_;
if (!defined($value2)) {
$value2 = 1
print "$value1 + $value2 = " . ($value1 + $value2);
Local variable shadows the gloabl variable
$value = 1;
sub printem() {print "\$value = $value\n"};
sub makelocal()
local $value = 2;
Local variable shadows the global variable in a subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$x = 10;
print "before: $x\n";
print "after: $x\n";
sub change_global_not {
my $x = 20;
print "in change_global_not(): $x\n";
Local variables in subroutines
# Perl allows you to create local variables inside subroutines.
# The local variables can have the same names as any global variables.
# The local won't overwrite the global variables.
# To make a variable local, use the my command
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$a = 1;
$b = 4;
# sum is global.
$sum = 10;
$value = add();
print "$a plus $b is $value.\n";
print "Global sum remains $sum.\n";
sub add {
# This sum is local.
my($sum) = $a + $b;
print "Local sum=$sum.\n";
return $sum;
my, local and global variable
$value1 = 1;
my $value2 = 2;
local $value3 = 3;
print join(", ", keys %::);
my ($program, $exitCode) = @_; creates two local variables, $program and $exitCode, from @_.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Declare the subroutine named usage
sub usage
my ($program, $exitCode) = @_;
print "Usage: $program [-v] [-h]\n";
exit $exitCode;
usage ($0, 1);
My value scope
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file_scope = "my value";
print $file_scope, "\n";
sub topsub {
my $top_scope = "visible in 'topsub'";
if (1 > 0.5) {
my $if_scope = "visible inside 'if'";
print "$file_scope, $top_scope, $if_scope \n";
print "$file_scope, $top_scope\n";
sub bottomsub {
my $bottom_scope = "visible in 'bottomsub'";
print "$file_scope, $bottom_scope \n";
print $file_scope, "\n";
my variable
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $name = "Tom";
print 'My name is $name\n';
my variable is initialized each time
sub incrementcount {
my $count;
return ++$count;
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";
Nested method
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub oneMethod {
print "In oneMethod, arguments are @_\n";
print "Back in oneMethod, arguments are @_\n";
sub anotherMethod {
print "In anotherMethod, arguments are @_\n";
nested subroutine
sub outer
my $s = "Inside the inner subroutine.\n";
sub inner
my $s2 = $s;
print $s2;
Nested subroutine with local variable
$value = 1;
sub printem() {
print "\$value = $value\n"
sub makelocal() {
my $value = 2;
output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following loop displays each individual argument
for ( $i = 0; $i < @_; ++$i ) {
print "Argument $i: $_[ $i ]\n";
Pass file handle global reference to a subroutine
sub printhello
my $handle = shift;
print $handle "Hello!\n";
open FILEHANDLE, ">file.tmp" or die "Can't open file.";
Passing an array and modifying it,as a reference
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
@array = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
print "Before: @array.\n";
mod_array( \@array );
print "After: @array.\n";
sub mod_array {
my( $arrayref ) = $_[0];
@$arrayref = reverse( @$arrayref );
Passing a range of value to a subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
total(1, 7, 5, 4, 9);
sub total {
my $total = 0;
$total += $_ foreach @_;
print "The total is $total\n";
Passing Arrays
use warnings;
use strict;
sub check_same (\@\@);
my @a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my @b = (1, 2, 4, 5, 6);
my @c = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
print "\@a is the same as \@b" if check_same(@a,@b);
print "\@a is the same as \@c" if check_same(@a,@c);
sub check_same (\@\@) {
my ($ref_one, $ref_two) = @_;
return 0 unless @$ref_one == @$ref_two;
for my $elem (0..$#$ref_one) {
return 0 unless $ref_one->[$elem] eq $ref_two->[$elem];
return 1;
Passing arrays to a function
use warnings;
use strict;
my @array1 = ( 1 .. 8 );
my @array2 = ( 'a' .. 'e' );
my @mixed = arrayMixer( \@array1, \@array2 );
print( "@mixed\n" );
sub arrayMixer
my @firstArray = @{ $_[ 0 ] };
my @secondArray = @{ $_[ 1 ] };
my ( $first, $second, @array );
while ( ( $first = shift( @firstArray ) ) && ( $second = shift( @secondArray ) ) ) {
push( @array, $first, $second );
return @array;
Passing array to a subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my(@nums1, @nums2);
@nums1 = (2, 4, 6);
@nums2 = (8, 10, 12);
process_arrays(@nums1, @nums2);
sub process_arrays {
my(@a, @b) = @_;
print "contents of \@a\n";
print "[$_] " foreach @a;
print "contents of \@b\n";
print "[$_] " foreach @b;
Passing by reference with pointers
@list1= (1..100);
@list2 = (5..200);
display(@list1, @list2); # Pass two arrays
print "-" x 35,"\n";
display(\@list1, \@list2); # Pass two pointers
sub display{
print "@_\n";
Passing different number of parameter to a subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
log_warning("A", "B");
sub log_warning {
my $message = shift || "Something's wrong";
my $time = shift || localtime; # Default to now.
print "[$time] $message\n";
Passing hash to a subroutine
$hash{fruit} = peach;
$hash{vegetable} = broccoli;
$hash{pie} = blueberry;
sub printem
%hash = @_;
foreach $key (keys %hash) {
print "$key => $hash{$key}\n";
Passing parameters to subroutines
# Perl places all the parameters into an array named @_.
# You can access this array directly with the @_ syntax, or access individual parameters.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$value = add(5, 6);
print "Value from add=$value.\n";
$value = add(25, 1);
print "Value from add=$value.\n";
sub add {
my($a, $b) = @_;
my($sum) = $a + $b;
return $sum;
Passing References to a Subroutine
use warnings;
use strict;
my $a = 5;
print $a;
sub increment {
my $reference = shift;
Passing two values to a subroutine
sub addem
($value1, $value2) = @_;
return $value1 + $value2;
print "2 + 2 = " . addem(2, 2) . "\n";
Pass reference to a subroutine to another subroutine
sub printhello
print "Hello!\n";
sub printem
printem \&printhello;
Pass two array reference to a subroutine
@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
sub addem
my ($reference1, $reference2) = @_;
for ($loop_index = 0; $loop_index <= $#$reference1; $loop_index++) {
$result[$loop_index] = @$reference1[$loop_index] + @$reference2[$loop_index];
return @result;
@array = addem (\@a, \@b);
print join (', ', @array);
A prototype tells declare what types of arguments the subroutine should get.
my $a=5;
my $b=6;
my $c=7;
sub myadd($$) { # myadd requires two scalar arguments
my($x, $y)=@_;
print $x + $y,"\n";
myadd($a, $b); # Okay
myadd(5, 4); # Okay
Recursive factorial subroutine
foreach ( 0 .. 10 ) {
print "$_! = " . factorial( $_ ) . "\n";
sub factorial
my $number = shift;# get the argument
if ( $number <= 1 ) { # base case
return 1;
else { # recursive step
return $number * factorial( $number - 1 );
Recursive fibonacci function.
@sampleValues = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 30, 35);
foreach ( @sampleValues ) {
print "fibonacci( $_ ) = ", fibonacci( $_ ), "\n";
sub fibonacci
my $number = shift; # get the first argument
if ( $number == 0 or $number == 1 ) { # base case
return $number;
else { # recursive step
return fibonacci( $number - 1 ) + fibonacci( $number - 2 );
Recursive subroutine
sub factorial
my $value = shift (@_);
return $value == 1 ? $value : $value * factorial ($value - 1);
$result = factorial(6);
print $result;
References to subroutines.
sub print_coor{
my ($x,$y,$z) = @_;
print "$x $y $z \n";
return $x;
$k = 1;
$j = 2;
$m = 4;
$this = print_coor($k,$j,$m);
$that = print_coor(4,5,6);
Return a reference from a sub
use warnings;
use strict;
sub now { return \scalar(localtime) };
print "The time is ${&now}\n";
Return a subroutine from a subroutine
sub printem
my $string1 = shift;
return sub {my $string2 = shift; print "$string1 $string2\n";};
$hellosub = printem("Hello");
Return hash value from subroutine
sub gethash ()
$hash{fruit} = peach;
$hash{vegetable} = broccoli;
$hash{pie} = blueberry;
return %hash;
%myhash = gethash;
foreach $key (keys %myhash) {
print "$key => $myhash{$key}\n";
Returning arrays from subroutines
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Checks for desired return type.
@ar = get_value();
print "Wanted array. Got back: @ar\n";
$v = get_value();
print "Wanted scalar. Got back: $v\n";
sub get_value {
my(@array) = (1, 2, 3);
my($val)= 55;
if (wantarray) {
return @array;
} else {
return $val;
Returning data from subroutines
# Subroutines return the value of the last expression evaluated.
# Or you can use the return statement to clearly delineate the value you want returned from the subroutine..
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$value = two();
print "Two is $value.\n";
sub two {
return 2;
Return more than one value from subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = second2HourMinuteSecond(999);
print "999 seconds is $hours hours, $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds";
print "\n";
sub second2HourMinuteSecond {
my ($h,$m);
my $seconds = shift;; # defaults to shifting @_
$h = int($seconds/(60*60));
$seconds %= 60*60;
$m = int($seconds/60);
$seconds %= 60;
Return reference from a function
use strict;
use warnings;
my @array = qw( A B C D E );
my $arrayReference = \@array;
sub returnReference
return \@array;
print( "\${returnReference()}[ 1 ] = ${returnReference()}[ 1 ]\n\n" );
Return reference to variable
use warnings;
use strict;
sub definelexical {
my $lexvar = "the original value";
return \$lexvar;
sub printlexicalref {
my $lexvar = ${$_[0]};# dereference the reference
print "The variable still contains $lexvar \n";
my $ref = definelexical();
Return two array references from a subroutine
sub getarrays
@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
return \@a, \@b;
($aref, $bref) = getarrays;
print "@$aref\n";
print "@$bref\n";
Return two arrays from subroutine
sub getarrays
@a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
return \@a, \@b;
($aref, $bref) = getarrays;
print "@$aref\n";
print "@$bref\n";
Return Value
sub MAX {
my($max) = shift(@_);
foreach $foo ( @_ ){
$max = $foo if $max < $foo;
print $max,"\n";
sub MIN {
my($min) = pop( @_ );
foreach $foo ( @_ ) {
$min = $foo if $min > $foo;
print $min,"\n";
return $min;
my $biggest = &MAX ( 2, 3, 4, 10, 100, 1 );
my $smallest= &MIN ( 200, 2, 12, 40, 2, 20 );
print "$biggest / $smallest.\n";
Return value based on context
use warnings;
use strict;
sub list_files {
die "Function called in void context" unless defined wantarray;
my $path = shift;
return unless defined $path;
chomp $path;
$path.='/*' unless $path =~/\*/;
my @files = glob $path;
return wantarray?@files:\@files;
my $path = $ARGV[0] || print("Enter Path: ") && <>;
# call subroutine in list context
print "Get files as list:\n";
my @files = list_files($path);
foreach (sort @files) {
print "\t$_\n";
# call subroutine in scalar context
print "Get files as scalar:\n";
my $files = list_files($path);
foreach (sort @{$files}) {
print "\t$_ \n";
Return value from subroutine reference
$codereference = sub {100};
$s = &$codereference;
print $s;
Return value from subroutine without using the return statement
sub addem
($value1, $value2) = @_;
$value1 + $value2;
print "2 + 2 = " . addem(2, 2) . "\n";
Scalar and list Context
print "What is your full name? ";
($first, $middle, $last)=split(" ", <STDIN>);# STDIN scalar context
print "Hi $first $last.\n";
shift parameter
sub addem
$value1 = shift;
$value2 = shift;
print "$value1 + $value2 = " . ($value1 + $value2) . "\n";
$value = addem 2, 2;
print $value;
Subroutine parameter default value
sub addem
my %hash =
OPERAND1 => 2,
OPERAND2 => 3,
return $hash{OPERAND1} + $hash{OPERAND2};
print "The result is: " . addem();
print "\n";
print "The result is: " . addem(OPERAND1 => 3);
Subroutine with arguments defined before it is used
sub definedBeforeWithArguments
print "definedBeforeWithArguments: @_\n";
# calling subroutines that are defined before use
print "Using & and ():\n";
&definedBeforeWithArguments( 1, 2, 3 );
Subroutine with no arguments defined after it is used: using ()
print "\nUsing only ():\n";
sub definedAfterWithoutArguments
print "definedAfterWithoutArguments\n";
Subroutine with no arguments defined before it is used
sub definedBeforeWithoutArguments
print "definedBeforeWithoutArguments\n";
print "Using & and ():\n";
Swap array value by using the sub range
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
print @months;
@months[3,4] = @months[4,3];
print @months;
The last statement is the value to return
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $total = total(1, 7, 5, 4, 9);
print "the total is: $total\n";
my $sum_of_100 = total(1..100);
print "the sum of 100 is: $sum_of_100\n";
sub total {
my $total = 0;
$total += $_ for @_;
The loop displays each individual argument
displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following loop displays each individual argument
for ( $i = 0; $i < @_; ++$i ) {
print "Argument $i: $_[ $i ]\n";
The return values of the ref function: hash
use strict;
my %hash = ( key => "data" );
print( 'ref(\%hash) = ', ref( \%hash ), "\n" );
The scope of my variables
my $name = "Raimo";
print "$name\n";
print "My name is $name\n";
my $name = "my name";
print "Now name is $name\n";
my $love = "another name";
print "My love is $love.\n";
print "$name is back.\n";
print "$love.\n";
The wantarray Function and User-Defined Subroutines
#When you want a subroutine to behave in a certain way based on the context in which it was called.
print "Name? ";
@arrayname = title($fullname);# Context is array
print "$arrayname[0] / $arrayname[2]!\n";
print "book name? ";
$scalarname = title($bookname); # Context is string
print "The book $arrayname[0] is reading is $scalarname.\n";
sub title{
my $text=shift;
my $newstring;
my @newtext=split(" ", $text);
foreach my $word ( @newtext ){
$word = ucfirst($word); # Capitalize the first letter
$newstring .= "$word ";
@newarray = split(" ", $newstring);
chop($newstring);# Remove trailing whitespace
return wantarray ? @newarray : $newstring;
Use my to declare local variable
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
my $record;
$record = 7;
print "Inside the block: ", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";
Using closures.
sub errorMsg {
my $lvl = shift;
return sub {
my $msg = shift;
print "Err Level $lvl:$msg\n";
$severe = errorMsg("Severe");
&$severe("Divide by zero");
Using -> operator to call a subroutine by its reference
$codereference = sub {print shift};
Using local
sub printifOK
local $localvalue = $value;
if ($localvalue > 10 ) {
print "Value is $value.\n";
} else {
print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;
Using my
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $record;
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
my $record;
$record = 7;
print "Inside the block, we're at record ", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";
Using my if statement
$testvalue = 10;
if ((my $variable1 = 10) > $testvalue ) {
print "Value, $variable1, is greater than the test value.\n";
} elsif ($variable1 < $testvalue) {
print "Value, $variable1, is less than the test value.\n";
} else {
print "Value, $variable1, is equal to the test value.\n";
Using my to declare the local variable in a subroutine
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$x = 10;
print "before: $x\n";
print "after: $x\n";
sub change_global_not {
my $x = 20;
print "in change_global_not(): $x\n";
Using return statement
print "${&getmessage}";
sub getmessage {
$msg = "Hello!";
return "msg"
Using shift(@_) to get value passed into a subroutine
$value = 10;
printifOK ($value);
sub printifOK
my $internalvalue = shift(@_);
if ($internalvalue > 10 ) {
print "Value is $value.\n";
} else {
print "Value is too small.\n";
Using the return statement.
$total = &get_total;
if ($total eq "error") {
print ("No input supplied.\n");
} else {
print("The total is $total.\n");
sub get_total {
$value = 0;
$inputline = <STDIN>;
$inputline =~ s/^\s+|\s*\n$//g;
if ($inputline eq "") {
return ("error");
@subwords = split(/\s+/, $inputline);
$index = 0;
while ($subwords[$index] ne "") {
$value += $subwords[$index++];
$retval = $value;
Wantarray function.
@array = &mysub();
$scalar = &mysub();
sub mysub {
if (wantarray()) {
print ("true\n");
} else {
print ("false\n");
wantarray() returns true if caller wants list, false if caller wants scalar, and an undefined value if the caller wants nothing.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Checks for desired return type.
@ar = get_value();
print "Wanted array. Got back: @ar\n";
$v = get_value();
print "Wanted scalar. Got back: $v\n";
sub get_value {
my(@array) = (1, 2, 3);
my($val)= 55;
if (wantarray) {
return @array;
} else {
return $val;
Write recursive subroutines
sub Factorial {
my($n) = @_;
$n <= 2 and return $n;
return $n * Factorial($n-1);
for $i (1..9) {
print "$i Factorial =\t", Factorial($i), "\n";