Perl Tutorial - Practical Extraction and Reporting Language (Perl)

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Table of Contents

  1. Perl Introduction
  2. Perl Program Startup
  3. Perl Regular Expressions
  4. Perl Array Program
  5. Perl Basic Program
  6. Perl Subroutine / Function Program
  7. Perl XML Program
  8. Perl String Program
  9. Perl Statement Program
  10. Perl Network Program
  11. Perl Hash Program
  12. Perl File Handling Program
  13. Perl Data Type Program
  14. Perl Database Program
  15. Perl Class Program
  16. Perl CGI Program
  17. Perl GUI Program
  18. Perl Report Program

Perl Subroutine / Function Program

Accessing variables in subroutines

 # In your subroutines, you can access the value of any global variable.
# A global variable is a variable that is accessible across the entire Perl script. 
# A subroutine can use data set up by other parts of your Perl scripts:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Accessing global variables in subroutines.
$a = 1;
$b = 4;
$value = add();
print "$a plus $b is $value.\n";
sub add {
 return ($a + $b);

A closure is an anonymous subroutine

 my $name="Tommy";
{my $name = "Tom";  
 my $age = 6;
 $ref = sub{ return "$name is $age.\n"; }
print "$name is back\n";
print &{$ref};

Adding two arrays in a subroutine

 @a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
@array = addem (\@a, \@b);
print @array;
sub addem
 my ($ref1, $ref2) = @_;
 while (@{$ref1}) {
  unshift @result, pop(@{$ref1}) + pop(@{$ref2});
 return @result;

Ading two arrays together

 @a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
sub addem {
 local(*array1, *array2) = @_;
 while (@array1) {
  unshift @result, pop(@array1) + pop(@array2);
 return @result
@result = addem(*a, *b);
print join(", ", @result);

A nested subroutine.

($wordcount, $charcount) = &getcounts(3); 
print ("Totals for three lines: "); 
print ("$wordcount words, $charcount characters\n"); 
sub getcounts { 
my ($numlines) = @_; 
my ($charpattern, $wordpattern); 
my ($charcount, $wordcount); 
my ($line, $linecount); 
my (@retval); 
$charpattern = ""; 
$wordpattern = "\\s+"; 
$linecount = $charcount = $wordcount = 0; 
while (1) { 
 $line = <STDIN>; 
 last if ($line eq ""); 
 $charcount += &count($line, $charpattern); 
 $line =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; 
 $wordcount += &count($line, $wordpattern); 
 last if ($linecount == $numlines); 
@retval = ($wordcount, $charcount); 
sub count { 
my ($line, $pattern) = @_; 
my ($count); 
if ($pattern eq "") { 
@items = split (//, $line); 
} else { 
@items = split (/$pattern/, $line); 
$count = @items; 

Anonymous functions

use warnings;
use strict;
my $productRef = sub
my $product = 1;
foreach ( @_ ) {
$product *= $_;
return $product;
my $printVal = &$productRef( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
print( join( ' * ', 1, 2, 3, 4  ), " = " );
print( "$printVal\n" );

Anonymous Subroutines

my $subref = sub { print @_ ; };
print "\n";

A recursive subroutine to perform arithmetic.

$inputline = <STDIN>; 
$inputline =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; 
@list = split (/\s+/, $inputline); 
$result = &rightcalc (0); 
print ("The result is $result.\n"); 
sub rightcalc { 
 my ($index) = @_; 
 my ($result, $operand1, $operand2); 
 if ($index+3 == @list) { 
  $operand2 = $list[$index+2]; 
 } else { 
  $operand2 = &rightcalc ($index+2); 
 $operand1 = $list[$index+1]; 
 if ($list[$index] eq "+") { 
  $result = $operand1 + $operand2; 
 } elsif ($list[$index] eq "*") { 
  $result = $operand1 * $operand2; 
 } elsif ($list[$index] eq "-") { 
 $result = $operand1 - $operand2; 
 } else { 
  $result = $operand1 / $operand2; 

A subroutine is defined by the sub keyword and the block of code that follows.

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 # Declare the subroutine named usage
 sub usage
 my ($program, $exitCode) = @_;
 print "Usage: $program [-v] [-h]\n";
 exit $exitCode;
 usage ($0, 1);

A subroutine that returns a scalar or a list.

 @array = scalarOrList();  
$" = "\n"; 
print "Returned:\n@array\n";
print "\nReturned: " . scalarOrList();  # scalar context
sub scalarOrList
if ( wantarray() ) {# if list context
return 'this', 'is', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'strings';
else {# if scalar context
return 'hello'; 

A subroutine that returns a value

 for ( 1 .. 10 ) {
print square( $_ ), " ";
print "\n";
sub square
$value = shift; # use shift to get first argument
return $value ** 2;# returns the result of $value ** 2

BEGIN and END Subroutines (Startup and Finish)

 #A BEGIN subroutine is executed immediately, before the rest of the file is even parsed. 
#If you have multiple BEGINs, they will be executed in the order they were defined.
#The END subroutine is executed when all is done. 
#Multiple END blocks are executed in reverse order.
#The keyword sub is not necessary when using these special subroutines.
chdir("/mydir") || die "Can't cd: $!\n";
BEGIN{ print "Welcome to my Program.\n"};
END{ print "Bailing out somewhere near line ",__ LINE__," So long.\n"};

calculate 1000th element of standard Fibonacci sequence

use warnings;
use strict;
sub fibonacci3 {
 my ($count, $aref) = @_;
 unless ($aref) {
  # first call - initialize
  $aref = [1,1];
  $count -= scalar(@{$aref});
 if ($count--) {
  my $next = $aref->[-1] + $aref->[-2];
  push @{$aref}, $next;
  @_ = ($count, $aref);
  goto &fibonacci3;
 } else {
  return wantarray?@{$aref}:$aref->[-1];
print scalar(fibonacci3(1000)), "\n";

Call a subroutine and use it

sub printhello
 print "Hello!";

Call a subroutine through its reference

 sub subroutine
 print "Hello!\n";
$codereference= \&subroutine;

Call a subroutine without defining it

  my(@arguments) = @_;
  my($package, $command)=split("::",$AUTOLOAD, 2);
  return '$command @arguments';# Command substitution
$day=date("+%D");  # date is an undefined subroutine
print "Today is $day.\n";
print cal(3,2007); # cal is an undefined subroutine

Calling a sub routine with &

 sub my_subroutine {
 print "In a subroutine.\n";
print "Before subroutine.\n";
print "After subroutine.\n";

Calling a sub routine with 'subroutine_name();'

 sub my_subroutine {
 print "In a subroutine.\n";
print "Before subroutine.\n";
print "After subroutine.\n";

Calling function in print statement

 print "${&getmessage}";
sub getmessage {
 $msg = "Hello!";
 return "msg"

Calling subroutines that are not defined before use

 print "Using & and ():\n";
# subroutine with no arguments defined after it is used
sub definedAfterWithoutArguments
print "definedAfterWithoutArguments\n";

Call sub

use warnings;
use strict;
sub do_list {
 my ($subref, @in) = @_;
 return map { &$subref ($_) } @in;
sub add_one {
 return $_[0] + 1;
$, = ",";
print do_list (\&add_one, 1, 2, 3);# prints 2, 3, 4

Call subroutine with parameter by using its reference

 $codereference = sub {print shift};

Call the subroutine with $number

$number=<>; # read a number from the keyboard
chomp $number; # remove linefeed
# The subroutine
sub factorial {
 $input = shift; # read passed argument
 return 0 if $input==0;
 foreach (1 .. $input) { # '..' generates a range
  $result *= $_;
 return $result;
print "$number factorial is $factorial\n";

Check the prototype

use strict;
use warnings;
sub add_two ($$) {
 return $_[0]+$_[1];
print prototype(\&add_two),"\n"; # produces '$$'
print prototype('add_two'),"\n"; # likewise

Closure in action

 sub paint {
 my $color = shift; 
 my $ref = sub { 
  my $object=shift;
  print "Paint the $object $color.\n"; # $color still in scope
 return $ref; 
my $p1=paint("red");
my $p2=paint("blue");  

Context and Subroutines

 @now = localtime;  # List context
print "@now\n";# Scalar context
$now = localtime;
print "$now\n";
print localtime, "\n"; # prints in list context
print scalar localtime,"\n"; # Forced to scalar context

Create a subroutine

print "Content-Type: text/html \n\n"; 
print "Program starts.\n"; 
print "Program ends.\n"; 
# subroutines below this line 
sub bigHeader { 
 print "<h1>Welcome to Auto!</h1>\n"; 

Declaration with prototype

 sub mynumbs(@$;$); # Declaration with prototype
mynumbs(@list, 25);
sub mynumbs(@$;$) {# Match the prototypes
  my ($scalar)=pop(@_);
  my(@arr) = @_;
  print "The array is: @arr","\n";
  print "The scalar is $scalar\n";

Define local variable in subroutine by using my

 sub printifOK
 my $localvalue = $value;
 if ($localvalue > 10 ) {
  print "Value is $value.\n";
 } else {
  print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;

Define subroutine and call it with using global variable

 sub printifOK
 if ($value > 10 ) {
  print "Value is $value.\n";
 } else {
  print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;

Define subroutine prototype

 sub addem;
$value = addem 2, 2;
print "2 + 2 = $value\n";
sub addem
 ($value1, $value2) = @_;
 $value1 + $value2;

Define subroutine then use it

 sub addem
 ($value1, $value2) = @_;
 $value1 + $value2;
$value = addem 2, 2;
print "2 + 2 = $value\n";

Difference between my and local

 $friend="friend"; # Global variables
print "$friend and $pal are global.\n";
sub guests {
  my $friend="Pat"; # Lexically scoped variable
  local $pal="Chris";  # Dynamically scoped variable
  print "$friend and $pal are welcome guests.\n";
sub who_is_it {
  print "global, $friend, here.\n";
  print "pal is now $pal.\n";  # Dynamically scoped
print "Global friends are back: $friend and $pal.\n";

displays all the arguments

 displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following statement displays all the arguments
print "All arguments: @_\n";

Duplicate global and local variable name (use strict;)

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
 my $record;
 $record = 7;
 print "Inside the block:", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";

factorial with recursive function

use warnings;
use strict;
sub fibonaccil {
 my ($count, $aref) = @_;
 unless ($aref) {
  # first call - initialize
  $aref = [1,1];
  $count -= scalar(@{$aref});
 if ($count--) {
  my $next = $aref->[-1] + $aref->[-2];
  push @{$aref}, $next;
  return fibonaccil($count, $aref);
 } else {
  return wantarray?@{$aref}: $aref->[-1];
print scalar(fibonaccil(10)), "\n";
print scalar(fibonaccil(10, [2, 4])), "\n";
my @sequence = fibonaccil(10);
print "Sequence: @sequence \n";
sub fibonacci2 {
 my ($count, $internal) = @_;
 if ($count <= 2) {
  return $internal ? [1,1] : 1;
 } else {
  my $result = fibonacci2($count -1, 'internal'); 
  my $next = $result->[-1] + $result->[-2];
  if ($internal) {
push @{$result}, $next;
return $result;
  } else {
return $next;
foreach (1..20) {
 print "Element $_ is ", fibonacci2($_), "\n";

Is a parameter defined

 sub addem
 ($value1, $value2) = @_;
 if (!defined($value2)) {
  $value2 = 1
 print "$value1 + $value2 = " . ($value1 + $value2);

Local variable shadows the gloabl variable

 $value = 1;
sub printem() {print "\$value = $value\n"};
sub makelocal()
 local $value = 2;

Local variable shadows the global variable in a subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$x = 10;
print "before: $x\n";
print "after:  $x\n";
sub change_global_not {
 my $x = 20;
 print "in change_global_not(): $x\n";

Local variables in subroutines

 # Perl allows you to create local variables inside subroutines. 
# The local variables can have the same names as any global variables.
# The local won't overwrite the global variables.
# To make a variable local, use the my command 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$a = 1;
$b = 4;
# sum is global.
$sum = 10;
$value = add();
print "$a plus $b is $value.\n";
print "Global sum remains $sum.\n";
sub add {
 # This sum is local.
 my($sum) = $a + $b;
 print "Local sum=$sum.\n";
 return $sum;

my, local and global variable

 $value1 = 1;
my $value2 = 2;
local $value3 = 3;
print join(", ", keys %::);

my ($program, $exitCode) = @_; creates two local variables, $program and $exitCode, from @_.

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 # Declare the subroutine named usage
 sub usage
 my ($program, $exitCode) = @_;
 print "Usage: $program [-v] [-h]\n";
 exit $exitCode;
 usage ($0, 1);

My value scope

use warnings;
use strict;
my $file_scope = "my value";
print $file_scope, "\n";
sub topsub {
 my $top_scope = "visible in 'topsub'";
 if (1 > 0.5) {
  my $if_scope = "visible inside 'if'";
  print "$file_scope, $top_scope, $if_scope \n";
 print "$file_scope, $top_scope\n";
sub bottomsub {
 my $bottom_scope = "visible in 'bottomsub'";
 print "$file_scope, $bottom_scope \n";
print $file_scope, "\n";

my variable

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $name = "Tom";
print 'My name is $name\n';

my variable is initialized each time

 sub incrementcount {
 my $count;
 return ++$count;
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";
print incrementcount . "\n";

Nested method

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub oneMethod {
 print "In oneMethod, arguments are @_\n";
 print "Back in oneMethod, arguments are @_\n";
sub anotherMethod {
 print "In anotherMethod, arguments are @_\n";

nested subroutine

 sub outer
 my $s = "Inside the inner subroutine.\n";
 sub inner
  my $s2 = $s;
  print $s2;

Nested subroutine with local variable

 $value = 1;
sub printem() {
print "\$value = $value\n"
sub makelocal() {
 my $value = 2;

output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_

 displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following loop displays each individual argument
for ( $i = 0; $i < @_; ++$i ) {
print "Argument $i: $_[ $i ]\n";

Pass file handle global reference to a subroutine

 sub printhello
 my $handle = shift;
 print $handle "Hello!\n";
open FILEHANDLE, ">file.tmp" or die "Can't open file.";

Passing an array and modifying it,as a reference

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
@array = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9);
print "Before: @array.\n";
mod_array( \@array );
print "After:  @array.\n";
sub mod_array {
 my( $arrayref ) = $_[0];
 @$arrayref = reverse( @$arrayref );

Passing a range of value to a subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
total(1, 7, 5, 4, 9);
sub total {
 my $total = 0;
 $total += $_ foreach @_;
 print "The total is $total\n";

Passing Arrays

use warnings;
use strict;
sub check_same (\@\@);
my @a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
my @b = (1, 2, 4, 5, 6);
my @c = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
print "\@a is the same as \@b" if check_same(@a,@b);
print "\@a is the same as \@c" if check_same(@a,@c);
sub check_same (\@\@) {
 my ($ref_one, $ref_two) = @_;
 return 0 unless @$ref_one == @$ref_two;
 for my $elem (0..$#$ref_one) {
  return 0 unless $ref_one->[$elem] eq $ref_two->[$elem];
 return 1;

Passing arrays to a function

use warnings;
use strict;
my @array1 = ( 1 .. 8 );
my @array2 = ( 'a' .. 'e' );
my @mixed = arrayMixer( \@array1, \@array2 );
print( "@mixed\n" );
sub arrayMixer
my @firstArray = @{ $_[ 0 ] };
my @secondArray = @{ $_[ 1 ] };
my ( $first, $second, @array );
while ( ( $first = shift( @firstArray ) ) && ( $second = shift( @secondArray ) ) ) {
push( @array, $first, $second );
return @array;

Passing array to a subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my(@nums1, @nums2);
@nums1 = (2, 4, 6);
@nums2 = (8, 10, 12);
process_arrays(@nums1, @nums2);
sub process_arrays {
 my(@a, @b) = @_;
 print "contents of \@a\n";
 print "[$_] " foreach @a;
 print "contents of \@b\n";
 print "[$_] " foreach @b;

Passing by reference with pointers

 @list1= (1..100);
@list2 = (5..200);
display(@list1, @list2); # Pass two arrays
print "-" x 35,"\n";
display(\@list1, \@list2); # Pass two pointers
sub display{
  print "@_\n";

Passing different number of parameter to a subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
log_warning("A", "B");
sub log_warning {
 my $message = shift || "Something's wrong";
 my $time = shift || localtime; # Default to now.
 print "[$time] $message\n";

Passing hash to a subroutine

 $hash{fruit} = peach;
$hash{vegetable} = broccoli;
$hash{pie} = blueberry;
sub printem
 %hash = @_;
 foreach $key (keys %hash) {
  print "$key => $hash{$key}\n";

Passing parameters to subroutines

 # Perl places all the parameters into an array named @_.
# You can access this array directly with the @_ syntax, or access individual parameters. 
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$value = add(5, 6);
print "Value from add=$value.\n";
$value = add(25, 1);
print "Value from add=$value.\n";
sub add {
 my($a, $b) = @_;
 my($sum) = $a + $b;
 return $sum;

Passing References to a Subroutine

use warnings;
use strict;
my $a = 5;
print $a;
sub increment {
 my $reference = shift;

Passing two values to a subroutine

 sub addem
 ($value1, $value2) = @_;
 return $value1 + $value2;
print "2 + 2 = " . addem(2, 2) . "\n";

Pass reference to a subroutine to another subroutine

 sub printhello
 print "Hello!\n";
sub printem
printem \&printhello;

Pass two array reference to a subroutine

 @a = (1, 2, 3);
@b = (4, 5, 6);
sub addem
 my ($reference1, $reference2) = @_;
 for ($loop_index = 0; $loop_index <= $#$reference1; $loop_index++) {
  $result[$loop_index] = @$reference1[$loop_index] + @$reference2[$loop_index];
 return @result;
@array = addem (\@a, \@b);
print join (', ', @array);


 A prototype tells declare what types of arguments the subroutine should get. 
my $a=5;
my $b=6;
my $c=7;
sub myadd($$) { # myadd requires two scalar arguments
  my($x, $y)=@_;
  print $x + $y,"\n";
myadd($a, $b);  # Okay
myadd(5, 4); # Okay

Recursive factorial subroutine

 foreach ( 0 .. 10 ) {
print "$_! = " . factorial( $_ ) . "\n";
sub factorial
my $number = shift;# get the argument
if ( $number <= 1 ) { # base case
return 1;
else { # recursive step
return $number * factorial( $number - 1 );

Recursive fibonacci function.

 @sampleValues = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 20, 30, 35);
foreach ( @sampleValues ) {
print "fibonacci( $_ ) = ", fibonacci( $_ ), "\n";
sub fibonacci
my $number = shift;  # get the first argument
if ( $number == 0 or $number == 1 ) { # base case
return $number;
else {  # recursive step
return fibonacci( $number - 1 ) + fibonacci( $number - 2 );

Recursive subroutine

 sub factorial
 my $value = shift (@_);
 return $value == 1 ? $value : $value * factorial ($value - 1);
$result = factorial(6);
print $result;

References to subroutines.

sub print_coor{ 
 my ($x,$y,$z) = @_; 
 print "$x $y $z \n"; 
 return $x;
$k = 1; 
$j = 2; 
$m = 4; 
$this = print_coor($k,$j,$m); 
$that = print_coor(4,5,6);

Return a reference from a sub

use warnings;
use strict;
sub now { return \scalar(localtime) };
print "The time is ${&now}\n";

Return a subroutine from a subroutine

 sub printem
 my $string1 = shift;
 return sub {my $string2 = shift; print "$string1 $string2\n";};
$hellosub = printem("Hello");

Return hash value from subroutine

 sub gethash ()
 $hash{fruit} = peach;
 $hash{vegetable} = broccoli;
 $hash{pie} = blueberry;
 return %hash;
%myhash = gethash;
foreach $key (keys %myhash) {
 print "$key => $myhash{$key}\n";

Returning arrays from subroutines

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Checks for desired return type.
@ar = get_value();
print "Wanted array.  Got back: @ar\n";
$v = get_value();
print "Wanted scalar. Got back: $v\n";
sub get_value {
 my(@array) = (1, 2, 3);
 my($val)= 55;
 if (wantarray) {
  return @array;
 } else {
  return $val;

Returning data from subroutines

 # Subroutines return the value of the last expression evaluated. 
# Or you can use the return statement to clearly delineate the value you want returned from the subroutine..
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$value = two();
print "Two is $value.\n";
sub two {
return 2;

Return more than one value from subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = second2HourMinuteSecond(999);
print "999 seconds is $hours hours, $minutes minutes and $seconds seconds";
print "\n";
sub second2HourMinuteSecond {
 my ($h,$m);
 my $seconds = shift;; # defaults to shifting @_
 $h = int($seconds/(60*60)); 
 $seconds %= 60*60;
 $m = int($seconds/60);
 $seconds %= 60;

Return reference from a function

use strict;
use warnings;
my @array = qw( A B C D E );
my $arrayReference = \@array;
sub returnReference
return \@array;
print( "\${returnReference()}[ 1 ] = ${returnReference()}[ 1 ]\n\n" );

Return reference to variable

use warnings;
use strict;
sub definelexical {
 my $lexvar = "the original value";
 return \$lexvar;
sub printlexicalref {
 my $lexvar = ${$_[0]};# dereference the reference
 print "The variable still contains $lexvar \n";
my $ref = definelexical();

Return two array references from a subroutine

 sub getarrays
 @a = (1, 2, 3);
 @b = (4, 5, 6);
 return \@a, \@b;
($aref, $bref) = getarrays;
print "@$aref\n";
print "@$bref\n";

Return two arrays from subroutine

 sub getarrays
 @a = (1, 2, 3);
 @b = (4, 5, 6);
 return \@a, \@b;
($aref, $bref) = getarrays;
print "@$aref\n";
print "@$bref\n";

Return Value

sub MAX {
  my($max) = shift(@_);
  foreach $foo ( @_ ){
$max = $foo if $max < $foo;
print $max,"\n";
sub MIN {
  my($min) = pop( @_ );
  foreach $foo ( @_ ) {
$min = $foo if $min > $foo;
print $min,"\n";
  return $min;
my $biggest = &MAX ( 2, 3, 4, 10, 100, 1 );
my $smallest= &MIN ( 200, 2, 12, 40, 2, 20 );
print "$biggest / $smallest.\n";

Return value based on context

use warnings;
use strict;
sub list_files {
 die "Function called in void context" unless defined wantarray;
 my $path = shift;
 return unless defined $path;
 chomp $path;
 $path.='/*' unless $path =~/\*/;  
 my @files = glob $path;
 return wantarray?@files:\@files;
my $path = $ARGV[0] || print("Enter Path: ") && <>;
# call subroutine in list context
print "Get files as list:\n";
my @files = list_files($path);
foreach (sort @files) {
 print "\t$_\n";
# call subroutine in scalar context
print "Get files as scalar:\n";
my $files = list_files($path);
foreach (sort @{$files}) {
 print "\t$_ \n";

Return value from subroutine reference

 $codereference = sub {100};
$s = &$codereference;
print $s;

Return value from subroutine without using the return statement

 sub addem
 ($value1, $value2) = @_;
 $value1 + $value2;
print "2 + 2 = " . addem(2, 2) . "\n";

Scalar and list Context

 print "What is your full name? ";
($first, $middle, $last)=split(" ", <STDIN>);# STDIN scalar context
print "Hi $first $last.\n";

shift parameter

 sub addem
 $value1 = shift;
 $value2 = shift;
 print "$value1 + $value2 = " . ($value1 + $value2) . "\n";
$value = addem 2, 2;
print $value;

Subroutine parameter default value

 sub addem 
 my %hash = 
  OPERAND1 => 2,
  OPERAND2 => 3,
 return $hash{OPERAND1} + $hash{OPERAND2};
print "The result is: " . addem();
print "\n";
print "The result is: " . addem(OPERAND1 => 3);

Subroutine with arguments defined before it is used

 sub definedBeforeWithArguments
print "definedBeforeWithArguments: @_\n";
# calling subroutines that are defined before use
print "Using & and ():\n";
&definedBeforeWithArguments( 1, 2, 3 );

Subroutine with no arguments defined after it is used: using ()

 print "\nUsing only ():\n";
sub definedAfterWithoutArguments
print "definedAfterWithoutArguments\n";

Subroutine with no arguments defined before it is used

 sub definedBeforeWithoutArguments
print "definedBeforeWithoutArguments\n";
print "Using & and ():\n";

Swap array value by using the sub range

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
print @months;
@months[3,4] = @months[4,3];
print @months;

The last statement is the value to return

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $total = total(1, 7, 5, 4, 9);
print "the total is: $total\n";
my $sum_of_100 = total(1..100);
print "the sum of 100 is: $sum_of_100\n";
sub total {
 my $total = 0;
 $total += $_ for @_;

The loop displays each individual argument

 displayArguments( "A", "B", 2, 15, 73, 2.79 );
# output the subroutine arguments using special variable @_
sub displayArguments
# the following loop displays each individual argument
for ( $i = 0; $i < @_; ++$i ) {
print "Argument $i: $_[ $i ]\n";

The return values of the ref function: hash

use strict;
my %hash = ( key => "data" );
print( 'ref(\%hash) = ', ref( \%hash ), "\n" );

The scope of my variables

 my $name = "Raimo";
print "$name\n";
  print "My name is $name\n";
  my $name = "my name";
  print "Now name is $name\n";
  my $love = "another name";
  print "My love is $love.\n";
print "$name is back.\n";
print "$love.\n";

The wantarray Function and User-Defined Subroutines

 #When you want a subroutine to behave in a certain way based on the context in which it was called. 
print "Name? ";
@arrayname = title($fullname);# Context is array
print "$arrayname[0] / $arrayname[2]!\n";
print "book name? ";
$scalarname = title($bookname);  # Context is string
print "The book $arrayname[0] is reading is $scalarname.\n";
sub title{
 my $text=shift;
 my $newstring;
 my @newtext=split(" ", $text); 
 foreach my $word ( @newtext ){
 $word = ucfirst($word); # Capitalize the first letter
 $newstring .= "$word "; 
 @newarray = split(" ", $newstring);
 chop($newstring);# Remove trailing whitespace
 return wantarray ? @newarray : $newstring;  

Use my to declare local variable

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
 my $record;
 $record = 7;
 print "Inside the block: ", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";

Using closures.

sub errorMsg { 
 my $lvl = shift; 
 return sub { 
  my $msg = shift; 
  print "Err Level $lvl:$msg\n";
$severe = errorMsg("Severe"); 
&$severe("Divide by zero");

Using -> operator to call a subroutine by its reference

 $codereference = sub {print shift};

Using local

 sub printifOK
 local $localvalue = $value;
 if ($localvalue > 10 ) {
  print "Value is $value.\n";
 } else {
  print "Value is too small.\n";
$value = 10;
$value = 12;

Using my

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $record;
$record = 4;
print "We're at record ", $record, "\n";
 my $record;
 $record = 7;
 print "Inside the block, we're at record ", $record, "\n";
print "Outside, we're still at record ", $record, "\n";

Using my if statement

 $testvalue = 10;
if ((my $variable1 = 10) > $testvalue ) {
 print "Value, $variable1, is greater than the test value.\n";
} elsif ($variable1 < $testvalue) {
 print "Value, $variable1, is less than the test value.\n";
} else {
 print "Value, $variable1, is equal to the test value.\n";

Using my to declare the local variable in a subroutine

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
$x = 10;
print "before: $x\n";
print "after:  $x\n";
sub change_global_not {
 my $x = 20;
 print "in change_global_not(): $x\n";

Using return statement

 print "${&getmessage}";
sub getmessage {
 $msg = "Hello!";
 return "msg"

Using shift(@_) to get value passed into a subroutine

 $value = 10;
printifOK ($value);
sub printifOK
 my $internalvalue = shift(@_);
 if ($internalvalue > 10 ) {
  print "Value is $value.\n";
 } else {
  print "Value is too small.\n";

Using the return statement.

$total = &get_total; 
if ($total eq "error") { 
print ("No input supplied.\n"); 
} else { 
print("The total is $total.\n"); 
sub get_total { 
$value = 0; 
$inputline = <STDIN>; 
$inputline =~ s/^\s+|\s*\n$//g; 
if ($inputline eq "") { 
return ("error"); 
@subwords = split(/\s+/, $inputline); 
$index = 0; 
while ($subwords[$index] ne "") { 
$value += $subwords[$index++]; 
$retval = $value; 

Wantarray function.

@array = &mysub(); 
$scalar = &mysub(); 
sub mysub { 
 if (wantarray()) { 
  print ("true\n"); 
 } else { 
  print ("false\n"); 

wantarray() returns true if caller wants list, false if caller wants scalar, and an undefined value if the caller wants nothing.

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Checks for desired return type.
@ar = get_value();
print "Wanted array.  Got back: @ar\n";
$v = get_value();
print "Wanted scalar. Got back: $v\n";
sub get_value {
 my(@array) = (1, 2, 3);
 my($val)= 55;
 if (wantarray) {
  return @array;
 } else {
  return $val;

Write recursive subroutines

 sub Factorial {
  my($n) = @_;
  $n <= 2 and return $n;
  return $n * Factorial($n-1);
 for $i (1..9) {
  print "$i Factorial =\t", Factorial($i), "\n";

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