PHP Program Tutorial

Please leave a remark at the bottom of each page with your useful suggestion.

Table of Contents

  1. PHP Introduction
  2. PHP Program Collection 1
  3. PHP Program Collection 2
  4. PHP Program Collection 3

PHP Program Collection 3

  1. Write a PHP script to calculate and display average temperature, five lowest and highest temperatures.
  2. Write a PHP function to change the following array's all values to upper or lower case.
  3. Write a PHP script which displays all the numbers between 200 and 250 that are divisible by 4.
  4. Write a PHP script to get the shortest/longest string length from an array.
  5. Write a PHP script to get the largest key in an array.
  6. Write a PHP function to floor decimal numbers with precision.
  7. Write a PHP script to sort the following array by the day (page_id) and username.
  8. Write a PHP program that multiplies corresponding elements of two given lists.
  9. Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
  10. Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
  11. Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
  12. Write a PHP script to trim all the elements in an array using array_walk function.
  13. Write a PHP script to delete a specific value from an array using array_filter() function.
  14. Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
  15. Write a PHP program to generate an array with a range taken from a string.
  16. Write a PHP program to convert word to digit.
  17. Write a PHP program to check if the bits of the two given positions of a number are same or not.
  18. Write a PHP program to print out the multiplication table upto 6*6.
  19. Write a PHP program to print Current date.
  20. List files in a directory to table.

31. Write a PHP script to calculate and display average temperature, five lowest and highest temperatures.
$month_temp = "78, 60, 62, 68, 71, 68, 73, 85, 66, 64, 76, 63, 81, 76, 73,
68, 72, 73, 75, 65, 74, 63, 67, 65, 64, 68, 73, 75, 79, 73";
$temp_array = explode(',', $month_temp);
$tot_temp = 0;
$temp_array_length = count($temp_array);
foreach($temp_array as $temp)
 $tot_temp += $temp;
 $avg_high_temp = $tot_temp/$temp_array_length;
 echo "Average Temperature is : ".$avg_high_temp.";
echo " List of five lowest temperatures :";
for ($i=0; $i< 5; $i++)
echo $temp_array[$i].", ";
echo "List of five highest temperatures :";
for ($i=($temp_array_length-5); $i< ($temp_array_length); $i++)
echo $temp_array[$i].", ";
32. Write a PHP function to change the following array's all values to upper or lower case.
function array_change_value_case($input, $ucase)
$case = $ucase;
$narray = array();
if (!is_array($input))
return $narray;
foreach ($input as $key => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$narray[$key] = array_change_value_case($value, $case);
$narray[$key] = ($case == CASE_UPPER ? strtoupper($value) : strtolower($value));
return $narray;
$Color = array('A' => 'Blue', 'B' => 'Green', 'c' => 'Red');
echo 'Actual array ';
echo 'Values are in lower case.';
$myColor = array_change_value_case($Color,CASE_LOWER);
echo 'Values are in upper case.';
$myColor = array_change_value_case($Color,CASE_UPPER);
33. Write a PHP script which displays all the numbers between 200 and 250 that are divisible by 4.
 echo implode(",",range(200,250,4))."\n";
34. Write a PHP script to get the shortest/longest string length from an array.

$my_array = array("abcd","abc","de","hjjj","g","wer");
$new_array = array_map('strlen', $my_array);

// Show maximum and minimum string length using max() function and min() function 

echo "The shortest array length is " . min($new_array) .
". The longest array length is " . max($new_array).'.';

35. Write a PHP script to get the largest key in an array.

$ceu = array( "Italy"=>"Rome"
"Belgium"=> "Brussels",
"France" => "Paris"
"Germany" => "Berlin"
"Greece" => "Athens"
"United Kingdom"=>"London"
"Czech Republic"=>"Prague"
"Malta"=> "Valetta",
"Austria" => "Vienna"

$max_key = max( array_keys( $ceu) ); 
echo $max_key."\n";

36. Write a PHP function to floor decimal numbers with precision.
function floorDec($number, $precision, $separator)

$number_part=explode($separator, $number);


$ceil_number= array($number_part[0],$number_part[1]);
return implode($separator,$ceil_number);
print_r(floorDec(1.155, 2, ".")."\n");
print_r(floorDec(100.25781, 4, ".")."\n");
print_r(floorDec(-2.9636, 3, ".")."\n");
37. Write a PHP script to sort the following array by the day (page_id) and username.
$arra[0]["transaction_id"] = "2025731470"; 
$arra[1]["transaction_id"] = "2025731450"; 
$arra[2]["transaction_id"] = "1025731456"; 
$arra[3]["transaction_id"] = "1025731460"; 

$arra[0]["user_name"] = "Sana"; 
$arra[1]["user_name"] = "Illiya"; 
$arra[2]["user_name"] = "Robin"; 
$arra[3]["user_name"] = "Samantha"; 

//convert timestamp to date 
function convert_timestamp($timestamp){ 
    return date ("Ymd", mktime (0,0,$limiting)); 

//comparison function 
function cmp ($a, $b) { 

        return strcmp($a["user_name"], $b["user_name"]); 
        return strcmp($k, $l); 

//sort array 
usort($arra, "cmp"); 

//print sorted info 
while (list ($key, $value) = each ($arra)) 
    echo "\$arra[$key]: "; 
    echo $value["transaction_id"]; 
    echo " user_name: "; 
    echo $value["user_name"]; 
    echo "\n"; 

38. Write a PHP program that multiplies corresponding elements of two given lists.

function multiply_two_lists($x, $y)
    $a = explode(' ',trim($x));
    $b = explode(' ',trim($y));
    foreach($a as $key=>$value) 
        $output[$key] = $a[$key]*$b[$key];
    return implode(' ',$output);
echo multiply_two_lists(("10 12 3"), ("1 3 3"))."\n";
39. Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
function count_array_values($my_array, $match) 
    $count = 0; 
    foreach ($my_array as $key => $value) 
        if ($value == $match) 
    return $count; 

$colors = array("c1"=>"Red", "c2"=>"Green", "c3"=>"Yellow", "c4"=>"Red");

echo "\n"."Red color appears ".count_array_values($colors, "Red"). " time(s)."."\n"; 
40. Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
function array_uniq($my_array, $value) 
    $count = 0; 
    foreach($my_array as $array_key => $array_value) 
        if ( ($count > 0) && ($array_value == $value) ) 
        if ($array_value == $value) $count++; 
    return array_filter($my_array); 
$numbers = array(4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 7, 8);

print_r(array_uniq($numbers, 7));
41. Write a PHP script to count the total number of times a specific value appears in an array.
function count_array_values($my_array, $match) 
    $count = 0; 
    foreach ($my_array as $key => $value) 
        if ($value == $match) 
    return $count; 

$colors = array("c1"=>"Red", "c2"=>"Green", "c3"=>"Yellow", "c4"=>"Red");

echo "\n"."Red color appears ".count_array_values($colors, "Red"). " time(s)."."\n"; 
42. Write a PHP script to trim all the elements in an array using array_walk function.
$colors = array( "Red ", " Green", "Black ", " White "); 
array_walk($colors, create_function('&$val', '$val = trim($val);')); 
43. Write a PHP script to delete a specific value from an array using array_filter() function.

 $colors = array('key1' => 'Red', 'key2' => 'Green', 'key3' => 'Black');
$given_value = 'Black';

$new_filtered_array = array_filter($colors, function ($element) use ($given_value)
     return ($element != $given_value);
44. Write a PHP a function to remove a specified duplicate entry from an array.
function array_uniq($my_array, $value) 
    $count = 0; 
    foreach($my_array as $array_key => $array_value) 
        if ( ($count > 0) && ($array_value == $value) ) 
        if ($array_value == $value) $count++; 
    return array_filter($my_array); 
$numbers = array(4, 5, 6, 7, 4, 7, 8);

print_r(array_uniq($numbers, 7));

45. Write a PHP program to generate an array with a range taken from a string.
function string_range($str1) 
  preg_match_all("/([0-9]{1,2})-?([0-9]{0,2}) ?,?;?/", $str1, $a);
  $x = array ();
  foreach ($a[1] as $k => $v) 
    $x  = array_merge ($x, range ($v, (empty($a[2][$k])?$v:$a[2][$k])));
  return ($x);
$test_string = '1-2 18-20 9-11';
46. Write a PHP program to convert word to digit.
function word_digit($word) {
    $warr = explode(';',$word);
    $result = '';
    foreach($warr as $value){
            case 'zero':
                $result .= '0';
            case 'one':
                $result .= '1';
            case 'two':
                $result .= '2';
            case 'three':
                $result .= '3';
            case 'four':
                $result .= '4';
            case 'five':
                $result .= '5';
            case 'six':
                $result .= '6';
            case 'seven':
                $result .= '7';
            case 'eight':
                $result .= '8';
            case 'nine':
                $result .= '9';
    return $result;

echo word_digit("zero;three;five;six;eight;one")."\n";
echo word_digit("seven;zero;one")."\n";
47. Write a PHP program to check if the bits of the two given positions of a number are same or not.
function test_bit_position($num, $pos1, $pos2) {
   $bin_num = strrev(decbin($num));
   if ($bin_num[$pos1] == $bin_num[$pos2]) {
     return "true";
   } else {
     return "false";
echo test_bit_position(112,5,6)."\n";
48. Write a PHP program to print out the multiplication table upto 6*6.
for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
  for ($j = 1; $j < 7; $j++) {
     if ($j == 1) {
       echo str_pad($i*$j, 2, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
     } else {
       echo str_pad($i*$j, 4, " ", STR_PAD_LEFT);
  echo "\n";

49. Write a PHP program to print Current date.
$currentTime = date( 'd-m-Y h:i:s A', time () );
echo $currentTime;

Note: MM When we using XAMPP or WAMP, servername = localhost, username = root, password is empty.

50. List files in a directory to table.

$files = glob("files/*.xml");

$files = str_replace("","",$files);
$files = str_replace("files/","",$files);

echo "<table>";
foreach ($files as $filename) { 

echo "<tr><td><a href='$filename'>$filename</a></td></tr>";

echo "</table>";