Drug Prescription Abbreviations and Meanings
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Pharmacist's Guide
Table of Contents
- Drug List and Classification
- Drug Prescription for Disease
- Drug Over-the-Counter (OTC)
- Prescription Drugs Generic Name
- Drug Prescription Abbreviations and Meanings
- Drug Schedules to the Rules
- Drug Mechanism of Action (MOA)
- Drug Glossary and Definition
- Medical Abbreviations
- Pharmacist Role
- Dosage Forms
Drug Prescription Abbreviations
Considerable variation occurs in the use of capitalization, italicization, and punctuation in abbreviations. The following list shows the abbreviations that are most often encountered by pharmacists.
Abbreviations | Meanings |
A, aa., or aa | of each |
a.c. | before meals |
ad | to, up to |
a.d. | right ear |
ad lib. | at pleasure, freely |
a.m. | morning |
amp. | ampule |
ante | before |
aq. | water |
a.s. | left ear |
asa | aspirin |
a.u. | each ear, both ears |
b.i.d. | twice a day |
BP | British Pharmacopoeia |
BSA | body surface area |
c. or c | with |
cap. or caps. | capsule |
cp | chest pain |
D.A.W. | dispense as written |
cc or cc. | cubic centimeter |
comp. | compound, compounded |
dil. | dilute |
D.C., dc, or disc. | discontinue |
disp. | dispense |
div. | divide, to be divided |
dl or dL | deciliter |
d.t.d. | give of such doses |
DW | distilled water |
D5W | dextrose 5% in water |
elix. | elixir |
e.m.p. | as directed |
et | and |
ex aq. | in water |
fl or fld | fluid |
fl oz | fluid ounce |
ft. | make |
g or Gm | gram |
gal. | gallon |
GI | gastrointestinal |
gr or gr. | grain |
gtt or gtt. | drop, drops |
H | hypodermic |
h. or hr. | hour |
h.s. | at bedtime |
IM | intramuscular |
inj. | injection |
IV | intravenous |
IVP | intravenous push |
IVPB | intravenous piggyback |
K | potassium |
l or L | liter |
lb. | pound |
M | mix |
mcg, mcg. | microgram |
mEq | milliequivalent |
mg or mg. | milligram |
ml or mL | milliliter |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
Na | sodium |
N.F. | National Formulary |
No. | number |
noct. | night, in the night |
non rep. | do not repeat |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
N.S., NS, or N/S | normal saline |
1/2 NS | half-strength normal saline |
O | pint |
o.d. | right eye, every day |
o.l. or o.s. | left eye |
OTC | over the counter |
o.u. | each eye, both eyes |
oz. | ounce |
p.c. | after meals |
PDR | Physicians’ Desk Reference |
p.m. | afternoon, evening |
p.o. | by mouth |
Ppt | precipitated |
pr | for the rectum |
prn or p.r.n. | as needed |
pt. | pint |
pulv. | powder |
pv | for vaginal use |
q. | every |
q.d. | every day |
q.h. | every hour |
q. 4 hr. | every four hours |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
q.o.d. | every other day |
q.s. | a sufficient quantity |
q.s. ad | a sufficient quantity to make |
R | rectal |
R.L. or R/L | Ringer’s lactate |
Rx | prescription |
s. or s | without |
Sig. | write on label |
sol. | solution |
S.O.B. | shortness of breath |
s.o.s. | if there is need (once only) |
ss. or ss | one-half |
stat. | immediately |
subc, subq, or s.c. | subcutaneously |
sup. or supp | suppository |
susp. | suspension |
syr. | syrup |
tab. | tablet |
tal. | such, such a one |
tal. dos. | such doses |
tbsp. or T | tablespoonful |
t.i.d. | three times a day |
tr. or tinct. | tincture |
tsp. or t. | teaspoonful |
TT | tablet triturates |
U or u. | unit |
u.d. or ut dict. | as directed |
ung. | ointment |
U.S.P. or USP | United States Pharmacopoeia |
w/v | weight/volume |